SENCAN -- cancer senescence classifier

Upload a gene expression matrix

Below you can upload a gene expression matrix for which to calculate senescence scores. The file should be a tab-separated value file containing RNA sequencing read counts. The first column should contain Ensembl gene ids, and each subsequent column should contain a sample with the sample name in the first row and the read counts below.

Instructions for exporting a gene expression matrix from Excel.

To get the most accurate results, it is best to quantify the gene expression values in the same way as it was done for the training data, as outlined here. An example gene expression file can be downloaded here

The data will be automatically deleted from the server straight after the analysis, and the results will be deleted after a week.

Select file to upload (max. 50 MB):

You can also download the classifer as an R package here, and an example file for using it.
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